
There's a reason why residents of Kauai, Hawaii refer to two-person kayaks as "divorce canoes"

Dos Equis needs to change their ads immediately.

Bill Murray is now officially America's cool uncle.

With a little help from your friends...

Incorrect assumption. But please, allow me to step off your lawn.

I just wish that the company that was moving to dominate the planet didn't have such a stupid name.... "Google".

Mutherfuckrplease, the US government sticks it to the big guy sometimes, too. That is, if you consider helpless nations in the developing world to be big guys...


Straight Out of Cupertino

I guess an apple a day doesn't keep the doctor away!

Ice Cube, Family Actor

Snoop Dogg, humanitarian makes equal sense.

My family needs one of these... wait, why doesn't Lego have a brand dedicated to this niche?

Wow... many of the comments

Lego Xbox One Kinect TV Mount

lol "the arrogant front" well kettle how are you this mornin?!

Every photographer worth their weight in lens caps has probably lost exactly that many. To make it easier to keep up with your cap, you can use the previously-mentioned strategy of attaching a flat Lego piece to the strap, and another flat piece to your lens cap. This is one of the very rare times it's acceptable to us

I forget where I even found this.

Not all bullshit!

"Okay, this is your side of the space station, this is our side. Koichi, as a neutral party, oversees joint use of the toilet."