
I do dig that she wasn’t apologizing for what she said, merely that she said it publicly. That’s a pretty important distinction.

The Rev. Robert Thompson praised Michaella for accepting the arrangement, later writing, “You did a great service for Chudi, because you gave him an opportunity to express his regret and to take responsibility for what he had done.”

Is this where crazy sandwich vagina lady gets her bread from?

God (facepalming himself a million times over): “I’ve created a bunch of fuckin morons”

Hahah I love calling out these BS hypocrites. Receipts so long it looks like they took a trip to Costco.

I have to be honest, some of the amounts donated by the NRA are SHOCKINGLY low in terms of buying policy. Over the weekend, https://twitter.com/igorvolsky was tweeting the amounts each Republican “thoughts and prayers” congressperson received from the NRA and some of them were like a couple thousand dollars.

Ken Calvert: “ Let us honor the Orlando victims by strengthening our resolve to defend the liberties that make America the extraordinary nation it is...”

It’s a way for people to cop out of difficult conversations. Very common in Facebook: “stop politicizing a tragedy" etc.

I was there. You aren’t funny. Fuck you.

Fuck off

Tom Brady tosses burner into the trash

Good job, hacker dude.

If it is on Wikipedia, it has to be true

Sure, they delete that message now. But 30 years in the future, when Ballghazi is finally out of the court system, this little gem will be right back.

Goodell’s final request was to appeal the coroner’s ruling on his death.

Thanks Trudeau

On to Miami!!!!!

City’s treatment by the NFL? You mean like how they allowed you to steal another city’s football team? One that was still selling out every game? The team that was put in place of the one you stole is still not the same. But no Baltimore gets treated bad by the NFL. LOL. No one was going to Colts games when Irsay

You have the Orioles to blame for the Denver thing. All they had to do was switch to a day game.