
Do you truly think the FEC is going to rule on the fiduciary status of Reddit Gold in time for the election?


This is 100% what I predict will happen. I refuse to pay a service fee to watch Star Trek, especially when it’s almost guaranteed that I will buy the DVDs.

My current plan is to wait for it to all be up then binge it during a free trial. Sorry, CBS. But stop acting like Trekkies are your license to print money.

I will not shell out for another subscription service. I also really, really want to watch it.

I do dig that she wasn’t apologizing for what she said, merely that she said it publicly. That’s a pretty important distinction.

The Rev. Robert Thompson praised Michaella for accepting the arrangement, later writing, “You did a great service for Chudi, because you gave him an opportunity to express his regret and to take responsibility for what he had done.”

Is this where crazy sandwich vagina lady gets her bread from?

I got the sense that enough time has passed since Sansa’s escape that she would be showing. Also, since she was married to the father, the baby would not be a bastard.

roach clippy

I see you’re rolling a fatty...

God (facepalming himself a million times over): “I’ve created a bunch of fuckin morons”

I was there. You aren’t funny. Fuck you.

Fuck off

It was just redone! It's not the age of the tram that makes it slow- it's the danger involved when you speed up a tin bucket suspended by wire. They can only go so fast.

and best yet - the gondola can be powered by 7 fixies installed in each car