Mr. Win, Gerrymandering Arguments (It's TOTALLY Legal!)

It’s a pretty great deal for everyone involved, except for the NCAA, which is the best possible outcome.

If you cut a burger in half and put it on a hot dog bun, is it a hot dog?

So is every other TV show.


Yeah, remind me again why I’m supposed to cancel my cable subscription? I can’t seem to remember...

Dollar General. You’re welcome.

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These crackers are gonna be PISSED when they realize Chuck D’s been wearing Wranglers for DECADES!

They always, ALWAYS try to recruit US against the country! The British, the Canadians, the Cubans, the Nazis, the Commies, the cartels... And all we’ve ever done is take what had to offer and twist it back on their bitch asses! Shout out to the Buffalo Soldiers and the Red Tails.

Maybe they should be out of work.

Oh, they’re rushing us now?

When has anyone, EVER, got breast implants and taken female hormones to rape women? Or cut off their breasts and taken steroids to sleep-fuck dudes in an all men’s dorm?

Believe it or not, Planters makes the best cheese balls. Yes, the peanut company!

Halal as fuck.

Chess pie should not be confined to the South nor to April. It should be celebrated everywhere, at all times, as the great American dessert.

You’re one of those clicks, buddy. Some of us are Gawker refugees, we appreciate any undeserving celebrities getting snarked at.

It’s telling, though, that the only thing that actually has the Republicans concerned is the precedent a president would set by blowing past congressional powers. They don’t really give a shit what he’s done, just how it affects their own political power.

the only well-trained drivers in anything this big are the Jeepney drivers.

The thing about buses, and I guess it could apply to motorhomes as well since they’re comparably huge , is that they’re easy to see and usually stay under 60-65mph. Most of the crashes involving these vehicles are driver error at low speed, although motorhomes have been known to tip over in strong winds on the freeway.

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Every time I read a Fancy Kristen headline, I think of this skit from Rick Ross’s amaing mixtape Rich Forever:

You know what? This could work... If they make it trailworthy, like the Cherokee or Renegade, it could still be cool enough to not ignore completely, like the Cherokee or the Renegade.