Yeah, sure, let’s just do that.
‘In certain cases, as mentioned in the quote above, they offer to fill potholes or make other improvements to the area, as need be’
I don’t even think he was trying to be creepy there! That’s just the magic that happens when you have nothing to say and your ego compels you to say something anyway.
I haven’t felt this energized since the end of A Charlie Brown Christmas. Thank you for this!
That’s actually the best part to me, though! When you turn on something like The Raid or Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and you get to experience another world in another language, and the performances are so amazing and immersive! You’re NEVER ready for how good some of them can be, like you are when you watch a…
Anybody who praises Robert E. Lee as their favorite general should be immediately court martialed for treason. That is all.
How about not cross-checking like a douche? Play the fucking puck.
These are the first two comments I’ve read on Kinja today, and I’m turning off my fucking computer right now before I develop asthma.
These are the first two comments I’ve read on Kinja today, and I’[m turning off my fucking computer right now before I develop asthma.
I watch it, but I’m waiting on the cheapskate muscleheads to get further into it. There’s only but so many Evos and Miatas I can stand.
My mother’s a shut-in. Also, you’re a douchebag.
It’s definitely more than none. People are generally creeps, we do whatever we think we can get away with and prefer not causing trouble to stopping something bad from happening.
I think the only moral pets are workhorses-that is, horses and donkeys and mules bred for work, bears, wolves, bulldogs, lynxes, caracals, tigers, lions, panthers, hawks, eagles, owls...Basically, anything that can fuck your shit up if you’re a trash pet owner, and also understand English.
You come for the action, you laugh at the attempts to justify the action and whatever semblance of a plot there is, you buy plenty of food and popcorn to support the theater and you don’t whine and bitch about a movie you haven’t seen and don’t care to, you whiny motherfucker you.
I would have kept one of the earlier, defective sinks that overflowed and spilled water after a while. You know, to save on water... and research & development...