They suck to drive and the interiors are like driving a Cruz! Ugh. It's only appealing to Bros and Fanboys. That's why sales stink. FFS why is that such a difficult concept to process?
They suck to drive and the interiors are like driving a Cruz! Ugh. It's only appealing to Bros and Fanboys. That's why sales stink. FFS why is that such a difficult concept to process?
Is it really necessary to have a semantic argument about this? :/
From San Diego, with love: GO RED SOX!
No star, but you got a chuckle out of me.
Top Gear is still a thing?
Makes me miss nighttime freeway runs in SD :(
Basically, f*** East county!
Its pretty cool and all, but I have shit to do! Plane ain't on fire, so all is well.
Is it cool if I refer to Jalopnik's home state as NeYo?
California is a madhouse right now. I use cannabis and all the smokers are driving me nuts. It's fucking dumb. They don't think they're impaired while driving, either. I can fucking well tell you that being high absolutely makes it harder to drive. Morons.
No arrest? The fuck?
I’m not even a pro basketball knower (I live in Sacramento), but that had me chortling. Thanks for that.
Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp
Don’t forget that the city of San Diego was willing to build a $1B stadium for them and it wasn’t good enough. They were willing to be flexible, but not badly enough to satisfy Dean Spanos.
Sergio Ramos is a world-class asshole, but Deadspin is fine with Manny Machado. I'm confused. They're both assholes.
I can never figure out what makes Deadspin actually condemn asshole human beings. Other than sexual assault and murder, it seems kind of random.
I’mpretty exhausted by people giving a fuck about claiming heritage. Fuck heritage. We are all stuck here in this shit mess together. I’m almost entirely Irish, genetically, but that doesn’t get me into Ireland! I mean, shit... If it did, I’d probably try to move there. But that’s now how it works. We’re just American…
Epic failure to read the article, eh?
Sometimes I get in the shower before turning it on JUST so I have to stand there in the cold spray.
The stock markets, as they exist now, are evil.