1337 MR2

Your truth is ugly and hateful.

I’m sorry to say that it is absolutely a Defender. Says so on the badge.

Fuck Honda/Acura and their assholeish headlights 

The exposed screws don’t actually do anything. It’s just panels on top of panels held together in the normal way. Yes, the screws hold a trim panel on, but not the door panel.

The answer is the same for people who have to have a pickup truck and yet...


Biden and Trump have nothing to do with it.  Corporate board rooms are running this show and they hope we're dumb enough to blame presidents instead of the people who make decisions

And people like you are why speed limiters will become the norm. Congrats

Americans are morons. let them suffer with shitty cars lile this. it’s what we deserve

Camry is already a portmanteau of Crown. the name is stupid and the car is pointlessly large with a cramped interior. Okay Boomer/Toyota.

What is Russia supposed to take from that? Are they supposed to be concerned that some American pilot is going to waste a bunch of fuel flying super fast and low?

What’s the point of any of this dangerous, expensive stunt flying on the taxpayer’s dime?

These should be weapons of war, not obnoxious toys

Can’t say that I blame people for not wanting to be harassed by pointless military showboating.

Noisy, annoying AND a huge waste of everyone’s tax money. That’s not to like?

There is zero combat value to this kind of flying. It’s dangerous and pointless.

Weapons of war should be respected and used only for their serious purpose, not played with like toys.

That’s an impressive and massive waste of our tax money, sadly

I would prefer if the government wasn’t wasting tax money on this kind of pointless, dangerous demo stuff.

I worked as a service writer for 4 years and the worst part was dealer with people who hated dealerships but came in anyway or called for technical advice.

Yeah, it’s the most expensive place to maintain your car... And part of that is not using AutoZone parts 😅

Go away, fascist apologist.

I don't care if my airbags go off, I'm not parking my truck in the middle of a freeway.  How could that truck be immobile from hitting a deer?

No, just most. 🤣