1337 MR2

OBJ is an asshole. There’s no reason to bring the boat shit up, lol.

Because arbitrarily ignoring something is rational behavior?

You guys have unreasonable expectations of basic transportation if you consider a Prius too slow to safely merge into a freeway on anything but the shortest ramps.

Thank you.

I have little faith that American state governments will work together for a logical change to DUI law. Remember, this is the country that bans toothpaste tubes over 3oz on airplanes. Righteousness of prosecutorial, profitable political policies are what we’re alllll about, baby!

Well then..

How much longer are we going to cling to the “need” for fast police vehicles? Compromising fuel efficiency (both while driving and idling) for the sake of the intermittently rare (and oftentimes theoretical) need for speed...

TL;DR Fuck Texas!

How about a faked toxicology test? *shrug*

It’s always the assumption that it was snap oversteer, lol. That’s my gripe. Everyone wants to be a keyboard expert and ah it “SNAP OVERSTEER!” whenever someone Wrecks an MR2. And then some old guy chimes in about what all the magazines said back on the 90s before telling us about the clean 91Turbo his dentist had

Annoying ‘experts’ like you are why do many people go to track days once and never go again. You suck the joy out of driving with this kind of stuff.

It’s existence in reality and daily driving is practically nil. You should never be driving a car at the limit on the street and even in emergency situations you’re not “at the limit”. I’ve mashed on an locked up the brakes on my MR2 while in the middle of turning. The car did not snap oversteer. I’ve lifted

It’s just fucking annoying that anytime anyone types “MR2", fifty internet keyboard warriors jump out of the bushes to warn everyone about snap oversteer.

Stop buying shitty cheap tires.

When you drive any old, RWD car, this is true, yeah. I’ll take an MR2 any day over anything from the same era with a traditional V8 RWD layout.

Everyone has mentioned it. They always mention it. The magazines were full of shit in 1991 and the Internet is full of shit in 2017.

There’s nothing to fix. 14 years and mostly done on 205 tires with a V6 engine swap. Zero snap oversteer.

Why does every Internet car expert have to talk about “snap oversteer” every time they see an article of any kind about MR2s? I’ve been daily driving one for almost 14 years and you people are all full of crap about it. I’ve driven it on streets, on dirt, through snow and on the track. The MR2 is fine.

Verily. =(

Ghetto is the worst.