1337 MR2

Nerdy “Car Show” culture vs. Hooligan “Car Party” culture. Lol. They both stink at their extremes and in the world of car culture, there are few people more annoying than goody two-shoes law-and-order event people.... And yo-boy wannabe tsreet racer tools.

I really enjoy football as a game but it’s becoming impossible to enjoy watching, knowing how horrible the owners are and how damaged many of the players are.

Why is this post from 2013 being bumped in front of current news?

I hope this was true.

You clearly do not spend much time on highways that are major shipping lanes, lol. *sad*

Do commenter a with bad football opinions ever realize their mistakes regardless of politics?

Even taken facetiously, this post carries much meanness and sadness. :(

This whole “I’m a mechanic and I want to be paid for all of my time” thing is confusing you, I guess?

Did you know that many/most manufacturers don’t pay diagnosis time or, at least, have a low (1 hour or less) allowance for it that also happens to be virtually impossible to get reimbursed for?

You misunderstand my point.

I have been a flat rate mechanic at a dealership.

This is about people being compensated for their time.

I wholly understand how this works. I have been a flat rate dealership mechanic. You just missed my point about it is all.

No one should have to risk getting paid less than the hours they are on the clock. Guaranteed hours + flagged bonus is the I lonely incentivized solution that is fair, really. Book guide times should only be used for consistent billing for warranty and customer pay jobs

It’s like I was making a greater, broader point and you only want to nitpick and pedantic about one part of it. To defend a mega-corporation that -definitely- plies its trade almost purely on a bro image overlaid on an American flag.

Even f***ing General Motors, who will happily sell you pushrod V8 cars, also checks in to see if you’d like your Camaro with overhead cams and a turbo...

Here here! Although F14s would be more ‘Murrica in style.

I’m 32. They’re not even trying to talk to us. They’re just making overpriced crap (and making bank off of it). They’re just lucky that a 19 year old kid bought one of their bikes (you DID get it new, right?And you have it serviced at a Harley dealer, right? ..otherwise you’re not really a HD customer or someone

I started to this because it looked interesting. I kept reading because the author hadn’t ridden a Harley before either. I have zero interest in H-D products, still. They’re still boring-looking with confusing naming/sizing schemes and use lame engine technology coupled with styling and marketing that really only

So many burners are much, much older than that.

I install a set if tires on a Tesla every couple of months. It’s usually something like 2 grand because of the huge, weird sizes they run. 21s IIRC. In all fairness, the Tesla customers I’ve met demand premium tires, though.

~14.0s. 19 city/30 hwy, ~60K of driving since the swap. It’s a ‘93 but I had an ‘86 for a long, long time as well. Only room for one ridiculous car in my life these days.

I can’t sell mine. I’ve only had it for 14 years, but still... It has a Camry V6 now, so parts will be available forever.