1337 MR2

It’s a really cool car, for sure! I used to work at a car dealership owned by a man who had a red one. Pretty neat.

Still just a car, though. And it’s a shame when we have to worry about dumb things like turning the key a certain way when driving cars :(

OR: Get a station wagon! My fat-ass ‘03 5-series gets 20 average, seats 5 and has plenty of room in the back for kids’ crap (if one were to have kids). It’s also easy to park compared to a tall van and has fantastic visibility.

It’s disappointing to see written claims of “You’re being dumb with your SUVs, give in to

Or: Don’t have kids and continue driving sports cars and stick-shift trucks! ^_^

Can you back that statement up eith sny evidence or is it just a huperbolic anecdote?

And they couldn’t sell any MR2s because of “snap oversteer”, which is 100% driver error-induced...

The police are not our friends, all the same.

I own Toyota MR2 pillowcases. True story.


You are, in fact, soft. And a punk. ‘Grats!

This is the best advice.

To literally smoke out another car. Oftentimes some variety of sportcompact or import.

What a weird/dumb swap. I mean, I guess it gets all the Internet driver/racer yo-boys excited, which has a dollar value, naturally.

It came in a LOT of other cars. This post is, of course, using Gawker-style hyperbole. Because clicks.

You care too passionately, sir. Sorry.

Preach! Stupid Toyota fanboys

Giant, red, expensive boots.

A long history of volume of followers doesn’t actually make any religion mean anything. Just because you’ve been doing something wrong for a long time doesn’t mean that it’s somehow valid or correct.

If the engine and transmission are from the same model year or newer and all emissions equipment is present, it can be certified for smog.

They sold M5s in California. As long as the engine is same year or newer and it has its emissions equipment, it can be smogged.

Why do we care about/worship racing drivers again?