I’m very sorry and very grateful for your experiences. Thanks for sharing
Deadspin = Hyperbolespin sometimes. It’s part of the fun!
Im no Kings fan.. and f*** the G1 Center.. but Sac is a cool town and reasonably hefty in population. I wish we could steal the As from Oakland =D
Thank you for your snarky, snide commentary disguised as journalism! ^_^
Remember when you didn’t go out of your way to make shitty comments on the Internet? Yeah, thems was the days.
So glad to see Wal Mart getting free advertising
Better deal:
Better deal:
Fuck you, in all seriousness.
There is room for alcoholism everywhere! Even in the shower!
As an actual aloholic, I find this prescient comment to be most hilarious.
Men are fucking horrible, in general. It’s better that they’re gradually becoming less involved in politics.
After daily driving a 93 MR2 from age 29 to 32, I now daily drive a 2003 5 series wagon. I have no regrets.
Hyperbole is the best bole.
Stop fucking talking about growth rates/annual growth. This is the kind of bullshit that makes things seem bad when they’re actually fucking not bad at fucking all.
Everything cannot fucking grow for fucking-ever, right?
It’s true. Very few people want a car that is good at nothing other than being slow and uninspiring.
Quit trying to ruin ME getting a car that I want.
I don’t care if you want a slow, raspy, normally-aspirated engine in your Toyobaru. Go for it. I won’t buy a Toyobaru until I get one that’s actually -fast-
Thank you