1337 MR2

Good for you. I, for one, love the peasants doing whatever they can to precious Ferrari that annoys the pure and devoted.

Talk about life/career over..

True, because even grizzled, kaded, hardened New Yorkers go to their graves never really knowing why they live there.

I know! I’ve actually been there.. New Yorkers actually treat it like a dumpster, lol.

Bleh. Just tragic... *sigh*

That’s not a commute, that’s insanity.

I live in Sacramento.. there’s a VW/Bug shop downtown (about 20 minutes from Davis) as well as shop/parts store called Bugformance, too. California is lousy with Bugs. It’s amazing that any of them -don’t- run right.. there’s more shop and parts for these than a lot of new cars!

“Never buy an “unrestored” (read: barely kept up with) VW Beetle,” even from California.


No posts for over a month! We were starting to wonder.

It was nice to see Biggio, Bell and Bagwell again!

These are great, unless driving a car that’s both rare and unusual-looking is your cup of tea.

Thank you.

Hooray! Sanity! ^_^

File 404 - “Sick Save” Not Found. Dude over-corrected multiple times. Anything approaching sick would have been one and done as well as not having been done as a result of inattentive driving.

Wait wait wait.. Jalopnik is lauding this guy for being irresponsible? He had his family in the car! Why wasn’t he driving cautiously? This really isn’t any better than that tool who was street racing with a baby in the back seat. The only difference is that one idiot wrecked and the other idiot didn’t.

I’m a dude. in -California- with almost nothing but liberal-minded friends. Almost none of them understand why I don’t have kids yet. New acquaintances inevitably start wondering the same thing. Bleh.

I can’t get away from friends/co-workers who spend more time complaining about kids (even grown ones!) than they do saying positive things.

Why the bleep do so many people have kids? Seriously. It’s this all-encompassing “thing” that so many people endlessly obsess over while simultaneously bitching and bragging. Gah. I’m so confused.

“Regular Subway” should be slotted in between 6 and 7, with Togo’s listed above it. Otherwise, a perfect list.