As if babies have never existed without strollers. Also, having kids is not special. Almost everyone does it. Human babies are neither rare nor unique.
As if babies have never existed without strollers. Also, having kids is not special. Almost everyone does it. Human babies are neither rare nor unique.
Why DO people live in NYC? Everything is expensive, rent sucks, transportation sucks, crime sucks, there’s hardly any vegetation and the place actually smells like a dumpster.
Wait a second.. who’s the professional tabloid blogger here? You or him!?!? ;D
Lol, #overcrowdedcityproblems
Agreed. Thank you.
This brought a laugh to my chest and a smile to my face. Thank you, kind sir ^_^
5.6 on the Richter scale?
Here, have another star! =D hehe
Because Gawker Media
Thank you for asking! Most people, alcoholics or regular drinkers, don’t want to hear that AA doesn’t actually work - They’re too wrapped up in their assumption that the addict can only be “helped” by one and only one thing (AA).
I’ll check that book out, too.
Thank you for sharing your story with us as well as refusing to buy into network media’s gross obsession with “reality TV.”
Saved money, though! And saving money is the only thing that matters!
I’ve been to AA meetings many,many times. See the link below.. it even has references and links to studies with statistics. Food for thought, if nothing else.
Because the dumbness is inherent in the system.
It’s bad enough that when speaking to customers, people usually don’t know what a “VIN” is but know exactly what you’re talking about if you say “VIN number.”
Life is too short to drive a boring bus all the time. No kids here. 2-doors for life.
Vertical video on horizontal screens (tv, desktop, etc.) is obnoxious and not a small detail, hence it is not pedantic. *bows*
Also: White people. It explains so much doofiness.
“Hot water heater!”
“VIN number!”
*puts on baggy blue jeans and white running shoes*
Most excellent. Good final product & quality troll.