1337 MR2

I have not, but that’s awesome.

I will not stand for this! (Clearly. I am sitting)

I am of the opinion that most people who are modifying their vehicle should -always- use power tools. Especially people who tint tail lights and put flat black vinyl wrap everywhere.

Always the hottest taeks.

Why spend $

LOL, Florida plates.

How is it still 2016 and we have people filming in portrait mode?

Isn’t that the truth... I’m sorry and good luck! *positive vibes*

“Physically dependent” IS addicted. Addiction is a disease, not a choice. Please don’t pretend that it is anything else. This attitude is exactly why addicts (of any type) in the United States have such a hard time getting any real help. People assume that they just chose to f*** up their own lives.

The world understands addicts enough to persecute them and that’s basically it. However, Prince would have had a free pass (and a book deal) here since he’s famous.

Possibly. It is a researched fact that Alcoholics Annonymous actually increases binge drinking and tends to have a negative net effect on people (for example).

Sadly, enthusiast cars have little relevance to most people.

If the car is already on their sales lot, they are NOT sending it to auction. It has already been through an inspection and maintenance (typically an MPI with an oil change and items like tires and brakes if they were -really- worn down)... Dealers send cars to auction when they have too many problems or aren’t worth

Good life lesson here! Anyone operating in absolutes is probably missing something.


Except... Toyota DOES have problems with DI. They were rebuilding heads in tons of V6 Lexus (2GRFSE and 4GRFSE) cars for years and eventually came out with a TSB update involving dumping shit-tons of GM top end cleaner into the intake to “fix” it.

I’m interested to see how this comes out! Rattly direct-injection pumps were the bane of my customer service experience for a long time. People buy new cars and then bitch about the noise. ugh.

Tuning in! :D

inb4 a Gawker nut-rider posts something about people criticizing a “journalism” publication that spends virtually all of its time criticizing people.

Where is the sarcastic news update about how long it’s going to take Tesla to mass-produce the Model 3 even after they’ve already “crowdfunded” a shit-ton of money for it?