Moral of the Story: Humans are trashy.
Moral of the Story: Humans are trashy.
Are we sure that’s not a woman?
Just in case we all forget that Jalopnik is a Gawker Media property... ALL of their blogs are built around being snarky and resentful; It’s their duty to incessantly harp on anyone or any business that isn’t perfect. In the name of journalism! :D
Or unless your family “needs” don’t include hauling a ton of shit around all the time. Working as a service advisor I’ve met countless families that had small cars. *shrug*
But... it IS moronic. The whole thing is rich people doing illegal things and basically getting away with it because they’re rich and people who aren’t rich/famous tend to wish they were.
Weird.. talks like a snooty douche... dresses like a snooty douche... behaves like a snooty douche.... could it be that he truly IS a snooty douche?
It’s true though. The TV shownis a dumpster fire. The books are merely a charcoal pit.
Ugh. That’s worse than God Bless America at baseball games.
500 days of Kristen was also oftentimes hilarious
What? They played the national anthem at the draft?
Seems totally reasonable. Why NOT randomly post some unprovoked bigotry?
Thank god you don’t have a TMZ-style hardon for a genuinely bad team like my Padres. The half-assed blogging would happen twice as much! ;D
This elicited a real-life chortle from me. Barvo, sir. BAR-VO.
I entirely support this actually happening.
LOL, F1.
After he’s done getting off his lawn, maybe you could run to the store and buy yourself a sense of humor?
I’m so glad that I’m not the only one annoyed by this. Ugh.
I own an MR2. I have owned Camrys. I have been a Toyota technician.
Is anyone actually surprised by a car like this existing in Qatar? Or that there are wild claims and secrets involved, too?