He went out of his way to vulgarly insult and deride a customer... who had just given money and also happened to share a positive message. Streamer dude is an asshole. Good for him, quitting before being fired, at least!
He went out of his way to vulgarly insult and deride a customer... who had just given money and also happened to share a positive message. Streamer dude is an asshole. Good for him, quitting before being fired, at least!
You could pick on many more idiotic things Toyota have done..
I am a former Toyota tech and I have actually worked on a Sienna with that exact problem.
Thank god! ;D
Totally didn’t see that you posted that first. Amen!
You may remove “in Utah” from that statement and still be correct.
The police are our friends and always have only our beat interests in mind. They are absolutely not going to hurt us in any way and will always do their best to help us.
Police are always our friends and are always looking out for our best interests. They also never do any wrong themselves and should automatically be given our complete, blind trust and treated like war heroes.
Texas sucks, though. So does NYC. Both are bastions of egotistical idiots. Lol.
We should treat anyone using religious phrases this way. Nip that s*** right in the bud!
Hooray for celebrating alcoholism!
Someone (a lot of someones) need to actually buy one this time
Road bike racing- Not even once.
Education, education, education.
It’s too bad the lady with the gun was so out of control that she couldn’t actually detain them. Would have been awesome to see EVERYONE wind up in handcuffs and/or also citied for traffic violations. lol..
1 of 3 DUI convicts become recidivists. How many people get multiple speeding tickets in their lives, too?
This, plus the fact that our concern with highway safety is a complete farce and is based on risk factors and convenience rather than actually pursuing the best solution: Racecar-style safe cars as well as intensive drivers license training.
This is somewhat more reasonable.
“Should be able to” how? Go get arrested for something that causes you to lose your job and get back to us. See how easy that is or how your viewpoint of the world changes and sours. Society does not really forgive or care if you learn your lesson. This is why recidivism rates are stupid high. Once you’re in the…