Might as well start arresting everyone who owns a kitchen knife, because they might someday murder someone with it! :D
Might as well start arresting everyone who owns a kitchen knife, because they might someday murder someone with it! :D
Yep. And try having no education AND a dirty DMV record on top of a criminal record. You can’t do shit for a living. The world is pretty unforgiving..
I know because I’ve incurred some pretty massive fines and fees from being a moron. The system is basically designed to make money for courts, law enforcement and 3rd party businesses who profit from various programs related to traffic & criminal violations. Hence, the system likes making it as easy as possible to…
Guess what, though, the fines (and jailtime) aren’t really a deterrent. Even repeat DUI offenders don’t really get deterred and we have massive fines and mandatory jail time in plenty of places now. Get busted for something that ruins your record and your life is guaranteed to be harder and more difficult no matter…
Then again, life is short.. not everyone lives their youth to be poor so that they can be old and richer.
Filing this with swine flu, mad cow disease, SARS and all the rest of the media-darling illnesses, while kids continue to get sick because their parents are anti-vaxxers.
All one or two of them? People texting while driving cause more wrecks.. they’re far more ubiquitous, too.
You played the “wife and kids” card and then ignored my point in your response.
The whole Incarcerate, Not Educate attitude doesn’t work. You just create a culture of poor people who DGAF. Only America and Sharia Islam think that shit works.
Congratulations for being perfectly secure. Most people aren’t like that, hence the original comment.
I.e. not most Americans, Mr. Keyboard Warrior
Life is dangerous. Buy a helmet. No, really: do you send your “wife and kids” out on a road in a vehicle with a NASCAR-spec roll cage, HANS reatraints, 5-point harnesses, nomex suits and full face helmets?
Try not stopping in your car when a cop pulls up behind you. You’re going to jail and your car is getting towed and you’ll be charged with a felony.
Oakland, #4? What the fuck? Other than JMP, that urban hellhole has no redeeming qualities. The Raiders play there, for chrissakes.
I’ve seldom wasted time being concerned about this,.especially when dealing with people who are not native-born Americans. Different language and grammar rules. *shrug*
Except the model S didn’t have a cloth option until some vegetarian customers asked for it.
Tesla DOES use real leather seats. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Not even an As fan, but the ballpark jab/commentary just added a mean tint to an otherwise happy post. :(
Andy Green is shaping up to be the Jim Tomsula Of baseball
Samer is just trying his Gawker best. Someday he hopes to be able to make fun of Donald Trump, or perhaps even Jose Canseco