1337 MR2

In other news, Samer Kalef has again tried & failed to be funny by writing a mean-spirited headline.

I’m not a Cardinals fan at all, but I -am- starting to hope they do well l, just to piss off Deadspin. Deadspin is The Best Sports Blog with the Best Bloggers in the bloggerverse!

Go out and buy one now! Unless you’re going to do something with it other than leave it in your garage or lend it to Jalopnik to hoon. But don’t hoon it yourself. That woule make you an idiot.

Thank You

Jezebel? Gawker? This article is just mean trash journalism

Come on, don’t get all Gawker snarky-clickbaity with us. Please.

What’s wrong with Wal-Mart is that people shop there. Especially people who can afford to shop elsewhere and people who fail to realize that Wal-Mart is only a “good deal” if you buy shit quality off brand trash like this shirt.

;) lolololol

That wasn’t even a deflection. Now you’re a small market bible belt troll who is mad at a comedian taking a metaphorical dump on a bunch of rich, big city assholes.

And winning the ratings war against you. Lolololololol. Maybe I can get my own late night talk show segment wherein I laugh at and troll angry Internet people.

Hot damn, indeed. Helluva bender.

His anger and misery is at least hilarious. Yours, however, is just mean and listless. <3

The wait for production is the most disappointing thing about this. Two years on a wait list? Uhh... Im just going to go see BMW or Audi now and check back in 3 or 4 years..

How does it feel to go through life so angry and miserable? Lololololol


Expungement is virtually impossible and highly improbablr at best. The system just doesn’t care

Interesting. Seriously!

It’s “readers” like you who drive people away from comment sections. Lol.

Plus Tesla dealers don’t sell used cars, right? Maybe CPO at some point?

Silicon Valley brand image bullshit, as always. That’s why these same morons bid each other up to $4k/month for a tiny apartment in SF or New York