1337 MR2


Funny.. nobody bitches about injuries in collegiate American football. There are massive talent disparities there.. and those disparities would no doubt be much-reduced in an NFL minor league, since, after all, we’re still talking about a league that would be populated with players who are cream of the crop. NFL

Baseball has a ton of minor league teams that function just fine. They’re full of guys who aren’t good enough for the majors, too. They also allow good players to develop. Yep, there are injuries. Such is life

Slow news day? C’mon.. “Forces church to deal with..”

Lol. People who buy $100,000 cars don’t need tax breaks. Get over it.

People who can afford a $100,000 Tesla are not buying it because of a rebate. They’re buying it because it’s a genuinely nice car that is cheap to operate, fast, reliable as well as luxurious and quiet.

Anyone clearing 250K shouldn’t be eligible for ANY tax breaks. This is good governance, for once.

Nice to see that the scam of police “needing” gas-guzzling “high performance” vehicles isn’t just an American problem.

When I was a service writer, I once had a customer decline to buy a $135 tire for her 1 year old car because she couldn’t believe it w a set covered by warranty. She then traded it in on a 1 year newer version of the same car.

Nice “Hawt Taek” on 2-door vehicles. *burP*

No snark today, Tom?

I recommend that you guys make Torchinsky run this daily. =D

It was a super lame, unfunny daily blurb in which a media entity made fun of a d-list celebrity only for its author to quit and to also receive a “thank you” for promoting the subject’s book for free. It was lulz.

I came here to post this. This is definitely the Denton/Gawker tabloid sarcasm we need!

Daddy’s probably a Trump voter.

It’s all about the popularity contest, ultimately. =/ that’s why used 911s are now all becoming silly expensive and hidden in garages, rather than driven.

I’d rather just be thankful that they continued to let it “rot on the vine” in lieu of building nothing at all.

Hate to be the one to point it out, but there has been nothung respectful or respectable about Deadspin’s “reporting” about Goose Gossage being a weenie. Lol..

Yeah, horses are fragile, dumb things.. and they heal very poorly. They’re basically just large delicate beasts that have the pray animal mentality of a deer or something.

Title could have used less Gawker clickbait.