1337 MR2

Internet keyboard warrior car snobs are the worst. I’ve used valets a zillion times and not had problems.

Sad. =( people are lame.

This was my favorite vehicle to PDI when I was a Toyota mechanic. Pure driving bliss! (And that’s coming from someone who daily drives an MR2).

Where are the swear words and ranting? I’m confused.. I thought this wsite Deadspin!

A+, would lulz again

Unfortunately, the Trump/Southern bloc would only see this as more complaining from New York/Biased media.

All I can focus on in the video is how many doofy men there are wearing button-up shirts with jeans/slacks. I am lame.

Seconded this motion.

Even though you acknowledged your East Coast Bias (a Gawker Media traditon), this is still an awful hawt tayke and is deserving of the next available Easterbrook Memorial Award.

“Won’t SOMEBODY think of the children!?!?”

It was, originally.. I hardly ate any meat when I moved out on my own at age 20. Once I had income to buy pretty much anything I wanted, beef no longer digested well, so I just gave up. I’m not vegetarian by any means. Fish and chicken are pretty common in my diet.

Why you mad, bro? Who cares? Let ‘em drink unpasteurized milk if they want. This isn’t fucking vaccines or anything.

This is a wonderful piece of sports-related news that was clearly researched and has facts to back it any assertions made by the author. It is clearly not another space-filling, profanity-laced rant posted at the end of the work day. It is most excellent.

Not sure if trolling or serious, lol.

Slow news day?

Thank goodness nobody useseems pop up headlights anymore! Clearly they were responsible for untold numbers of pedestrian deaths. Clearly.

I would be mostly ok with this.

A+. I don’t understand why anybody gives a f*** what that guy thinks about anything anyway. “LOL internets!” I guess.

It’s bloodsport. They’re ALL assholes.. lol..

Sadly, I’d bet 100% thst drunk needed real help and had an addication problem. He was already depressed and hopeless from the DUI. The “nothing to lose” mentality takes over because forany people, having the addiction, losing their home and job, friends and family who don’t understand push them away..