1337 MR2

Is it surprising that women are mothers more often than men? :x

What is an Ansel Elgort? Should I say “bless you?” Is it curable via antibiotics or preventable with a vaccine? Will Congress be legislating it soon?

Automation to this extent is just boring. What’s the point of even being alive if we just program machines to do everything for us?

I don’t think anyone can -really- argue that he can’t control himself (or is at least choosing not to). Just a side effect of completely guaranteed contracts, eh? What motivation does he really have to do anything at all besides show up? The Red Sox owe him millions anyway! It’s brilliant. Pure, unadulterated, ’Merica

My ex wife drove in heels all the time. Included her own car with a heavy ACT clutch and my own MR2.

Heyou everyone

“Everything rare must be valuable!” The internet and Craigslist have been a boon for selling junk for $$. *keeps driving ratty ‘93 Toyota*

Tomahto Potahto

Thanks for this charming bit of sarcasm and bitterness disguised as news! *thumbs up*

When I was still refereeing soccer matches, a couple leagues I worked with experimented with 2 refs on the pitch. Yoh just stayed on your own half mostly and other made it super easy to keep up with the play, also allowing the line refs to more closely monitor offside

Pet peeve from working at a new car dealer service department: People who lease/finance/purchase new cars often have no understanding how a new vehicle can have any problems at all, as if being “new” equates to being perfect. Shit happens, people. Get over it. It’s also a new car, so the warranty or your insurance

Seriously. What an overreaction.

Brand new car. I’d stand there filming it and saying things like “This is pretty f***in’ awesome!” It’s not like it won’t be replaced by insurance or anything. *shrug*

wtf, is that blood all over the mat?

Damned poors.

My answer is ‘no,’ since it isn’t quite true love if its existence is predicated on an outside/third party influence or control. Knowing that he/she only loves me -because- I fuck a goat regularly also means that he/she does not love me for me, as an equal and compatible mate.

Vicodin is not Oxycodone.

Automotive journos have always been like this.. Plus, they’re always looking for something to gripe about to make a story as well as work in a mention that they are 6 foot or taller.

And the ball’s in the back of the net!

All this proves is that baseball tickets are overpriced. Each team plays 81 home games per year. Most games do not sell out or even come close to selling out. Teams should be grateful that fans have prepaid for tickets, period, and not worry themselves over what those fans do with their tickets. Clearly, people (such