How many different “articles” is Gawker going to write about this non-story? Nobody cares anymore. Even the stupid people angry about Beyonce in the first place doesn’t care (just LOOK!). Stop it. Please.
How many different “articles” is Gawker going to write about this non-story? Nobody cares anymore. Even the stupid people angry about Beyonce in the first place doesn’t care (just LOOK!). Stop it. Please.
Is this still a thing? Why are we giving trills attention? Also, I am tired of seeing still shots from an obnoxiously boring Super Bowl how that inclused a bunch of boring choreographed dancing featuring women in Cher costumes from the 80s.
The only reason schmoes like that get laid is because of money and power. No amount of big dick can make up for a might that ugly, especially since he obviously puts no effort into his appearance. %%%%%
She’s pretty. Pretty lame.
This! Tacomas have been overpriced for ages. Same $$$, same MPG, less utility and towing caparity
Yep. I’d much rather cruise around in an ecoboost Ford or a V8 Silverado than a Tacoma. Way nicer trucks for.. less money and the same MPG.
V6 Tacomas have always gotten miserable MPG compared to American V8s. In the real world, they’re 15-16mpg guzzlers... which is what a lot of V8 full size trucks do. :| I never understood the fascination or obsession with the old 3.4L Tacoma and 4Runner for this reason. And don’t say “they’re reliable!” Those things…
It would seem that they are not aware of the existence of pants made from something other than denim. Hopefully their interest in cars is more diverse?
Sweet. So... the party that cried so hard about electoral vs. Popular vote when Bush beat Gore.... is trying to sabotage the popular vote in this election. Gotcha.
Hey now, no need to rub in it. We’re a sad bunch and we know it. :(
It sure reads like it...
Another sad bit of blab for Padres fans. It was sad for us when the organization fired Flan and Bochy.. Ugly, even. Even worse ownership/GM days back then compared to now.
And sports talk. *barf*
Truth is, a similar repair on many new carange could run that much. Lots of cars require the engine to be removed to r&r a timing chain... I know because had to do it all the time as a Toyota mechanic. *glares at 3.5L Toyota V6* 15-20 hours of labor at $125 a pop, plus another grand or so in parts.
As a former owner of a 60,000 mile 83 Reliant coupe... some cars aren’t worth saving or preserving. They just suck. In every way imagineable.
I miss Mugsy Bogues. And I’m with you.. if you are avwrage or cmose to average in build, its far more impressive than someome who just won a DNA lottery.
Kicker: A Prius because it’s incredibly good at what it does (which is ONE thing, very well) and hard-core car people hate on it even though their hotrod rides could never come close to the Prius’ specialized performance. The Prius, like an NFL kicker, gets no respect.
Up up and away!
Amen to that.