1337 MR2

Dealership mechanic & Service advisor here: Motion seconded. The Toyota pedal recall only assuaged fear among the masses. No actual defect or failure was ever found.

Because no one who works at an independent shop has -ever- ripped someone off or taken a car for a joyride. Lulz

Ah, bummer. Well, MR2s basically handle like Camrys until you push them to racecar limits... That’s why I always resented a-hole automotive journalists bitching about snap oversteer. You should never be driving a car THAT hard on the street. Not even an emergency situation will put you into a dangerous handling

It was a belt-driven blow torch. All it does is melt pistons/break ringlands. 3-4psi on the stock pulley with no way to intercool it without meth/water injection.

I’ve got one of these. It’s worthless. I tried to sell it a year ago and nobody would touch it for $5k. :(

Agreed. I can’t even sell my clean ‘93 with a V6 swap for $5k.

This price is a crack pipe asking point for a non-turbo with so many miles... and it’s not even a ‘93+ or one of the rare colors, nor is it one of the rare option/stripper model combo packages. I’ll pass all day long on this car for $6,000.

Have you ever driven an MR2? Of any year? You sound like you’re just parroting what the 1990 automotive press wrote. You know, the stodgy American-biased crew that still had fresh memories of Corvairs?

F***ing lame. I’ve driven tons of BRZ/FRS.. It does NOT have the rev-happy joy that an AE86 (or 85-89 MR2) has. There just isn’t the same joy to be had from high revs and silly fun. It sounds like a whooped, raspy Legacy, has a worse interior than a Kia Rio and doesn’t even bother to return good MPG. It fucking sucks.

Well, I'm 29 and I don't care about F1 at all.. unless it's to laugh at the latest tabloid news generated by its hilarious gentrified, geriatric management. I won't watch it on TV either.. it's f***ing boring racing.

Have daily driven one of these machines for more than a decade now. It doesn't snap oversteer on me, ever. I don't drive it on the street like I do when I'm on a race track. I have lifted off the throttle while turning and stomped the brakes a zillion times. The car hasn't swapped ends on me. Drive the car like

Or maybe... JUST mayyyyybe... Democrats are just as shitty as Republicans and have managed to alienate everyone more than we thought.

Probably better to just find a different dealer rather than toss everyone into the same bucket of assumptions. Each store tends to be different and each sales staff can vary wildly. Same goes for Parts & Service. $40k is pretty normal for a minivan anymore (although a nicely-optioned 2015 Sedona is about $30-32K)..

This. Gawker clickbait. Did not click on or view any ads.

Good thing that the NFL's rules on contact and the helmets/pads basically encourage guys to spear other players head-first! Rugby players must -constantly- get concussions, right? I mean, they don't even wear helmets and armor! Oh.. wait.. it's illegal to smash someone with your shoulder or head in rugby. Ahh...

Why the 4-cylinder? You could get Solaras with 5-speeds and V6s, too. Oh, and there was an accessory add-on TRD supercharger, too.

Oooooohhhhh! *logs off, drives up the street to CarMax*

They're really -not- that cool. They're just car sales people. Their prices also stink in comparison to the private market.. You'll never make up the difference in extra cost of purchase and their extended warranty if you're buying something like a Corolla or an F150. (you know, stuff that typically doesn't break*)

Car had a Fram filter with no check valve on an engine that has the oil filter inverted. OEM filters have anti-drain back valves in the so that you aren't dry-firing the engine every time you start it up. *shrug* Glad you're having good luck with oil filters. Me? I'm not going to risk poor quality just to save

This is useful! At least I know what year the engine cover is off of, now..