1337 MR2

$2.99 in downtown Sac where I live! 87.

Former Toyota dealer mechanic, checking in- Those cars are definitely some of the most used-up vehicles on the road. Most people who own them believe that "Toyotas last forever" and treat them as if they need no maintenance. I've rescued my share of used Toyotas for daily-driver purposes.. and they -are- solid,

Exactly. *shrug* Didn't really seem to be a huge deal to me. Everyone around here knows they hate cars and there's virtually nowhere to park, so I'm not sure why this is even news. Supply and demand, eh?

Having been to a game at ATT Park.. I'm with those wondering why anyone would drive into the city at all, for anything, unless they're staying at a hotel. Last time I went, I parked in my hotel's garage and just walked to the park. Otherwise, park at a BART train station and cruise in for a pittance.

50-60mpg real world economy. *shrug*

Not too surprising, I suppose.. 20 years ago you wouldn't be buying a pickup with what's basically an iPad built into the dash.. and nobody cared much or even knew about back-up cameras, parking sensors, fancy lighting or luxury car interiors in pickup trucks.

It -is- pretty absurd, though.

Padres fans are well aware of how terrible Dale Scott is. Hilariously enough, his major eff-up was a Dodgers-Padres game where the Dodgers turned a triple play after Scott called a batted ball foul and then fair within a few seconds of the original call. Pure gold, lol.

4) Buying a new car isn't supposed to be an investment. It's a luxury expense. Like buying a new cell phone.. or new clothes.. or new -anything-.

You have no business being out on a track in any car if you can't handle the consequences of fucking up and wrecking. Deal with it. *shrug*

Still helped make the stop. *shrug*

because it gets amazing fuel economy in the real world. 50+ mpg. If your gonna drive an economic, it may as well get 50mpg


Soul, Rio and Forte are all available with manuals. I had 3 Spectras with manuals at the shop at one point last week, too. *shrug*

how does anyone die, directly as a result of an ignition switch? Are they exploding or something? Are cars stalling and people totally failing to control their cars? If you can't steer or stop a car without power assist, you probably shouldn't be driving. I feel this way about almost all recalls. Nobody wants to take

You're just stuck in static focus with your viewpoint of the world. Corruption is bad, but spending money on stuff that makes you happy is fine. If YOU don't believe in it for yourself, that's ok, but there's really no reason to go out of your way to put down others. Do you not spend money on ANYTHING fun in life?

For some people, life is to short to spend driving a pile of shit Ford Fiesta. You sound like you're just another disillusioned non-rich type. :|

1st gen Sorento was body-on-frame :)

So someone who has tons of seat time in BRZ/FRS, the radio is probably the last fucking thing I cared about while driving the car. Jesus christ. I would actually rather you drive a fucking Corolla than waste yourself on a sportscar.

People like you are why cars like the BRZ/FRS really don't come around very often, if at all anymore. They build a driver's car and people (on a fucking car-enthusiast blog, of all places), bitch about the fucking RADIO.