1337 MR2

This is quite possibly the lamest bitch item from someone who owns a freaking BRZ/FRS.

*head scratch* what country is this? In all my life, I have only ever seen local mail delivered by Grumman or by Chrysler van. *shrug*

Why couldn't he just rip off the original graphic novels/books? They're gritty without being lame :|

Technically speaking, "Z-Bo" should have been arrested for assault by stadium security. If you were in the stands at the game and punched the guy next to you in the neck, you'd be in jail. You should just be happy that we allow athletes to do stuff like this to each other at all, with the only penalty being

Ahhhhh, you just don't like Steven Adams. Got it!

If we're talking WWE... um.. sure. I'm really lost at where you figure that violent contact should be a part of basketball when the game isn't designed for it :|

Wise man once say - Do not punch opposing players (unless wise man is playing boxing) if wise man wish to keep playing sport.

This is, quite possibly, one of the dumbest things I have read on Deadspin. :|

Not that I really like Facebook. I think it is horrible. It's just fun to be a belligerent pissant :D

Or maybe the people you know just suck at Facebook? A lot of the people I know use it as a semi-private networking/planning tool for hanging out or planning parties/events. Maybe Facebook is dead if everyone you know is busy raising babies or grandbabies or working 9-5 and figuring out which slab of beef to cook for

Regardless, this is an excellent Kill Story for the Dodge Dart.

It's not a quest for refinement.. It's a quest for not blowing up brand-new engines. The 2.0T Hyundai/Kia engines have a failure rate of some concern. Nowhere near epidemic like the old piece of shit Toyota 3.0L 3VZE V6s that all the world's truck-driving idiots LOVE despite the fact that they go through head

Especially considering how psychotic Toyota has been about sticking to release/mid-cycle refreshes with their bread-and butter sedan since the freaking 80s. 87-91, 92-96, 97-01, 02-06, 07-2011.... All with mild tweaks after year 2 or 3.. Maybe it's a sign that Toyota corporate MIGHT be trying to mix things up.

Further fair play - It is obnoxiously stupid how pissy college people are about their similarly-named learning institutions, as if pride in such things has any real-world relevance. :|

Jealous! It's definitely a decent transmission. Cable-shifter of course... Same as the Camry's and getting pretty hard to find. I run one in my MR2 V6 for the gearing :D

Except your "real reason" wasn't mentioned at all when you made your whiny first post. Oops. There are 162 games in a MLB season. You can afford to "make a point" in this sport. This isn't the idiotic NFL with its 8 homes games/year in $900M stadiums.

So awesome. Good for him! It is wonderful to see athletes not dancing around like morons after playing well. He is definitely swaggering but not making a mockery of things. A+++

Right? See waht an asshole that guy is, now? lol

You are taking baseball way too seriously. Especially for someone who knows what a Lucky Pierre is. lol.

Rich white guy in a fancy suit who wears a shirt with a starched collar but no tie as well as a spendy pocket square and expensive watch! Hooray! Who cares!