Finger-pointing lady clearly never matured beyond 2nd grade. Sad.
Finger-pointing lady clearly never matured beyond 2nd grade. Sad.
Troof! At least the potential lawyer/blood-sucking vampire is driving a neat old BMW and not a new, automatic-laden 5-series GT turd.
Gawker isn't liberal-biased. what are you talking about sir.
Can we just be honest with ourselves and put men/women into a combat ring in life/death gladiator situations? This MMA shit is just lame. Same end result as the Roman stuff.. just takes longer this way.
I actually wrote a thoughtful response, but I'll just *Picard* instead.
Congrats on the wonderful Internets posts, dudeski. It's totally webclichetastick.
This post is proof of Gawker.
Thank you for your judgemental, rude and ridiculous opinion. Asshole.
How is this powerful? He's a pissy athlete trying to talk shit about how awesome he is... with zero regard for the nature of age/performance, respect or, honestly.. -anything- at all. Who cares? Why is it an issue? A majority of NFL players are black. The fact that he's black has nothing to do with it. It's a…
lame. ghetto.
Is the ratio of black/hispanic/native american/white players int he NFL correct insofar as the actual populatino of the United States is concerned?
zThis entire article circumvents the fact that A-rod in an asshole and deserves everything he gets. *hug*
Funny how Deadspin will be full of vulgarity and crude, editor-free blogging... only to post up an incredibly thought-out, overly-verbose slate of vitriol like this from time to time.
Enough about this "precedent" bullshit. You can't have precedent when there's NOTHING similar to compare this crap to. A-Rod is a douche. He cheated, got caught, cheated again and has the dollarbucks to back it up. Enough of this "preceden t" shit. You want precedent? Here it is. It just got set. Fuck off…
Who said anything about forcing? I am only inferring that it is irresponsible to spend massive quantities of money on getting around health problems when there are so many unloved/unparented children in our world's societies.
Thank you for your kind and intelligent contribution. Seriously.
Longest loan for a car purchase? 12 months, 0% interest (credit card)
It was facetiousness. Go ahead and add "mother nature" onto there, too. Call it what you want.. I'm a believer in evolution. And mainly it irritates me that people go through all this trouble and expense when there are so many kids out there who have no parents.
Think about what? I did. Maybe these people dumping 10s of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands?) of dollars into this kind of treatment ought to consider how awful it is that there are thousands of kids living in orphanages and foster homes... how selfish is it to blow that kind of cash on such a self-serving…