Plus there’s probably a nice severance package/golden parachute that was written into his employment contract.
Plus there’s probably a nice severance package/golden parachute that was written into his employment contract.
Not good enough. They will get other bean counters in who thinks Boeing’s salvation is more cost cutting. Boeing is done for the next couple of decades. It’s too difficult for bean counters to turn around an environment like that. They are completely unable to see QC as an investment. Only short term profits matter,…
Altezza yo! JDM, Bro!
I may be alone here buy I have always thought the C5 looks a lot better than the C6.
Last time around the Board appointed one of its own (Calhoun) and we saw how that turned out. The only way out for Boeing is a total board and CEO replacement. Both have failed for years and are in the process of destroying a wonderful company that used to have a culture of safety.
If Boeing wants to survive, they need to put one of their top engineers in as CEO. When Boeing ruled the skies, they were led by engineers. Once the financial people took control, the company shit the bed.
that is exactly how it works
Oh I cannot wait to hear the Tea from my Boeing buddies.
Great, can’t wait to see which completely indiscernible corporate dipshit they replace him with. I’m sure he will find some new part of the process of making an airplane to spinoff to an “independent contractor” consisting of former Boeing employees, but now with no oversight and limited QC. He will be lauded as a…
They’ve probably been assured by their legal teams there won’t be any personal legal responsibility/litigation and did the math. They got their relatively easy ducats, no reason to stick around to do actual (sort of) work for diminishing shareholder returns.
How noble of them to step down, retire, and not seek re-election. I’m sure it was much easier on their wallets than being fired.
So if you resign as CEO from a company amidst an investigation, are you absolved from all the wrong doing the company was engaged in under your term? How does that work exactly? Seems rather convenient.
I think this is the weakest easter jeep safari I can remember
I mean, they look cool, but none of that coolness ever trickles into an actual production model. It will be the same few trims with the same boring-ass colors.
There are dozens of us!
Cries in 2008 G Coupe......
Oh yes, agreed 100%. It was awful then and still awful now. I do remember everything from Chrysler to Nissan rocking this look, but Toyota was the most egregious. And it wasn’t even limited to their lower-tier brands like Scion and Toyota; if you look at a Lexus RX from that era it is swathed in the same AIWA stereo…