
It actually did, but one of them was broken off on takeoff and the other damaged enough that they were able to shake it loose with some hard maneuvers. 

Maverick hybrid, hands down

It’s decades past time. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the race events I’ve had the chance to see live, but Rally simply should not be a “spectator sport.”

I like the idea, I think it was just hamstrung by Chevy’s generally awful design language at the time.

Nah, I also was disappointed in the C6. I still think the C5 is the best-looking and is “Peak Corvette” to me. I think the C6 had too many straight creases and the headlights never did it for me. 

I have to agree

I think the point is that, without seatbelts, this exact same crash, narrowly missing poles and parked cars and such, would still have flung bits and pieces of the occupants all over the county and turned what pieces remained in the car into barely-identifiable pulp. Unseatbelted people in crashes tend to become

Holy shit, that’s awesome. What is it?

The prompt was “exclusively” driven by idiots, and I’ve met like two or three people who have or at one point had mustangs and are reasonable human beings.

I used to do the same thing on my motorcycle. So much fun slingshotting idiots into the speed trap

They could just be poor

Where I live, we call it “right-to-hire, right-to-fire”

Disagree. I think it’s because of certain characters that this show totally gets wrong in such a way as to betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the source material, The earliest and most egregious example being Avatar Kyoshi.

Max called a fellow driver a “Mongol” and a “Retard” on radio after the crash, and then repeated the former in a post-race interview.

That’s a feature, not a bug

This comment is so much more informative than the article. Thank you. This is the information I thought I’d get when I clicked the link.

Except don’t suck like Gwen Stefani’s solo albums

Maybe it’s because I’m missing any and all important context for this clip, but...Nothing anyone said here made me even smirk, much less giggle. I don’t know what about these “jokes” is supposed to be funny. 

Mustangs are more about crippling the people outside them than those inside

You’re thinking of the Cirrus SR models. Diamond DA-40s don’t have parachutes.