
Oh my God….no.

"Blind Melon hates you with every fiber of their being."

On the hateful/crazy index, lets call white nationalists a perfect 10/10. In my book, Antifa are, what, an easy 8.5? 9? They're communist anarchists. If the Crips and the Bloods have a street fight and one side takes casualties…wouldn't it be appropriate to denounce them BOTH? Trump sucks. He made this point in the

How dare Trump sympathize with white supremacists?! Everyone knows the violent communist anarchists are the real heroes. Please.

Was also in "Flight of the Navigator".

They're a "kill whitey" style hate group. Read their literature and their history.

The fact that White Nationalists are the scum of the earth doesn't make the violent Anarchists "the good guys". They're both awful - extreme sides of the same coin.

Not to put myself in in unenviable position of defending Trump but…Antifa are violent racists as well. There's a kernel of truth buried in there…

Keith Richards seemed to remove himself from it, throwing up his hands saying "this is serious lawyer shit". Seems to be so.

"part and parcel a Rolling Stones song"

The Verve is not too fondly remembered but Urban Hymns is a great album from beginning to end.

Its the Imperial-industrial complex.

At least the new music Williams composed to replace "Yub Nub" was really, really, good. Jedi Rocks was such a vast downgrade. Ugh.

You creep.

They disapprove of people who wear masks made of meat.

The malls are the soon to be ghost towns
So long, farewell, good-bye…

WTF is dabbing??

I think the Wii owed a lot of its success to the GC and I think the same debt is owed to the Wii U by the Switch. Nintendo learns from its failures and the risks taken during their "bad" console cycles ultimately lead to some amazing games down the line.

I remember a spider that built a web in my window one summer. Something about unicorns…that's all I got.

But don't you see? If we don't agree with someone's political views, they are worthless garbage. Sub-human. We must hate them. Its our job. You didn't get the memo? Check your junk mail folder.