
It was the Kali cultists (who don't exist) that were eating the grotesque food. The Indian food was seen earlier in the movie in the village. Racist is way too strong. Culturally insensitive, maybe??

SO, you grew up in the same town as the Gacy murders, were recruited by the Manson family, and met Jeffrey Dahmer? Is your name Forrest Gump? Did you also teach Elvis how to dance??

Even the Gimp?

He's referencing his oft cited favorite film: The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Its set during the Civil War and also contains dynamite. He adheres more to film history than actual history it seems…and I'm perfectly okay with that. You don't watch Django (or Inglorious Basterds) expecting historical accuracy.

"Whitmire…took over Kermit just weeks after Jim Henson’s death in 1990."

You mean "Human see, human do".

I think part of the equation here is that this is, for lack of a better term, "fake news". Clickbait constructed around the words "Green Day" and "tragic death" - meant to incite people. The fact that the band did NOTHING wrong is irrelevant. SO, I would contend that the glibness in the posts here is somewhat of a

So the simple act of depicting a racist character (who is in many ways the villain of the show) is normalizing racism??

But…both sides ARE bad.

That's all true of course, but painting this stupid gif as some "call to violence" is absurd. Also, wrestling is fake. There I said it.

Have you ever tried to look though the WALL of greeting cards at the store and pick out one that is reasonably appropriate? Its work, trust me.

I take issue with transphobic…Bugs dressed like a girl all the damn time!

It seems to me there has to be an old Disney animated short that played with this idea….

At least you're not a stupid anteater!!

Identity Politics strips people of their humanity - people stop being real individuals. Everyone is just a member of a particular group. Its a form of racism, really.

This is the gaping hole in this entire argument for me. The outcry is that we need more diverse filmmakers so that they will then tell "their stories" in film for people to see. I don't know how you get there in the current movie system but, fair enough. Steven Spielberg has been telling HIS stories his entire life

Breasts are round. Nipples are round. They should call it "Rounding".

The terrorists don't hate us, per se, they just think it is their duty to kill as many "infidels" as possible. No amount of niceness will counteract that, unfortunately.

MORE CG than Doctor Strange?? That doesn't seem possible.

As much as I like 'No Surprises", the description of it as "wrist slitting music" isn't entirely unfair. The album as a whole, though? No way. Its more about seeing everything that is fucked up, and wanting no part of it. Its an alarm bell.