
Please, please spend your money on this game to prove me wrong. I want that more than anything else.

Can liberal based humor be bad? Of course because everything can be bad. But right wing comedy is a special kind of bad specifically because it’s not really about being funny. What’s “funny” is not the content of a racist, but rather that it’s going to upset liberals “because” you made that racist joke.   And that’s

To paraphrase Richard Spencer: “We expect our opponents to preserve freedom of speech, but we have no obligation to support it once we take power.”

Could be that there is some tipping point where being capable of more nuanced satire means you have too many cerebral creases to remain a hard right nutcase. 

I played the Alex Jones game so you don’t have to. AMA.

Anyone else have the strong impression that this was only “necessary” in that somebody wanted to play with their military-esque toys? This driver wasn’t going anywhere, and the truck was surrounded by SWAT, presumably armed to the teeth. They seriously couldn’t come up with a better idea to get the driver out of the

Missing from the narrative is that business owners would force workers to stay night and weekends, and laws and regulation is the only thing preventing that.

People started doing that and now you have a bunch of lower level businesses whining and putting up signs about how they’re understaffed and “nobody wants to work anymore” even though unemployment is at historic lows.

skeffles, paraphrased, “bike riders need to stay off the road.”

Decades of putting bicycle lanes in the “door zone” doesn’t help. Better bicycle infrastructure separates bikes from cars to mutual benefit. Also I have seen far too many social media posts about deliberately dooring cyclists to believe these are all accidents.

Elon has successfully done nothing other than being forced out at PayPal and then becoming the poster boy for corporate welfare. 

YOu’re right, that IS off topic and as such not germain to this comment section 

While I enjoy For All Mankind, let’s also be honest: it’s a soap opera that isn’t afraid to lean into some of the worst/best parts of being a soap opera. And characters routinely do such dumb shit that in the real world they’d be shitcanned in a heartbeat.

How the fuck is this a slideshow? Why is G/O still like this? 

Musk tried to prove that servers can also temporarily be boats.

Yay, draconian punishment in the 21st century. Yay, justice!

What an egregious and over the top punishment.


That was my impression as well.  He met with James and was excited for the change.

Most likely that Lobo stuff was a rumor coming out of either fan websites or Momoa’s agency.