
Just handed in a film script that I think may be the funniest and best thing I’ve ever worked on...” doesn’t mean a whole lot coming from Josh Gad.

When you become the butt of your own joke.

I think I’m good. As much as I want a new Mel Brooks movie, if History of the World Part 2 is any indication of his current output, I don’t want it.

Lol it’s a Bikini coffee shop. The state of washington has a bunch of them, and you’re paying extra for the “show” kinda like how you’re paying restaurant prices at Hooters for Tyson frozen chicken wings. He knew exactly why he was going there, what the prices were, and what kind of establishment that was. He CHOSE to

Wow look if it isn’t the failtroll at work again trying to undermine and spread disinformation, while not understanding even the most elementary aspects of society. Taxation isn’t stealing, you should think of it as the fee you pay for the services and advantages of living in a civilized country.

The funny thing is, the Federal Government does negotiate prices on drugs. The VA does it all the time. When I treated veterans and active servicemen, they would always get their prescriptions filled through the VA. It is only CMS that isn’t allowed to. It’s all just so mind-bogglingly fucked up and whenever somebody

Yeah, they were only partly concrete.

I do not understand your confusion, reading the article explains what the article says.

They shoulda cleared all their permits first. They didn’t. Beyond that, the debris we’re crying about is stones on a mountain side. Clean up (and recycle) any steel debris, move any stone debris that is causing a problem; not much else you can do here.

I am somehow not surprised that the Swiss permitting system has holes in it.

The article and I are saying the same thing.

They were approved to demolish the bridge so long as that method was not explosive demolition.

It’s also a vehicle where you need a star who is willing to go into this with the mindset that it's more entertaining if not all the deaths are with dignity. I think of the various "I have a clause in my contract that says I can never lose a fight" actors who could never make a movie like this work the way Tom dives

That’s really strong stuff from a guy too cowardly to show his face.  So brave.

Sounds riveting. (But maybe I’m just nuts -- most people who saw that headline would bolt.)

Anyways, here’s WormWall.

Poor Christopher Lloyd! Whether he’s a rockhard Klingon commander or an amazing scientist, some kids always show up, steal his ride and go time traveling with it!

At Tesla, you don’t cut corners...corners cut YOU!

Came here to ask the same question. At this point I can’t imagine any normal carrier would touch him with a million-foot pole. But what do I know?