But there are no good third party candidates, so oh well.
But there are no good third party candidates, so oh well.
Press: *sets fire to the country*
I partially agree except that the job of leading a country cannot be fully outsourced to advisors and a cabinet.
Time to face reality?
Proof that communists aren’t more intelligent!
I don’t know what the press is thinking, other than “we should make sure Trump wins because we’ll sell way more papers”. Which is obviously fucking stupid, but if they got a better justification I want to hear it.
Only 3 years younger than Trump, but I guess that doesn’t bother you.
So you guys are on the ‘Beat Biden’ shit too.
‘It’s gonna get expensive for her.’ For him as well. Especially if he’s bitching about over priced coffee.
Wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t lose his fucking mind over drinks. That’s where the problem started.
Bro wanted the ‘shake’ not the coffee huh.
Hammer down eh.
“It can fly”
If they don’t call it that, I’m boycotting.
I get what you’re saying, it’s not as good as Blazing Saddles for one thing. I still love it tho.
Spaceballs remake: Ew
Corporations are a neutral evil at best
Actually it was good.
Yeah, not surprised Apple wasn’t all about ‘telling truth to power’ even that fairly limp Jon Stewart version of it.
Is this the same guy who crushed his fingers? Haha, it is.