
And that stache

It’s like people noticed a pattern of dickish behavior from Tim Allen and drew conclusions based on that.

You don’t have to get butthurt on Tim Allen’s behalf, but have fun I guess.

You mean his fellow cocaine dealers.  His colleagues.

Hah.  What a Tim Allen.

He’s a bitch, and a snitch.

And a lot of it doesn’t hold up very well either.

The personalities change wildly, but recently gender and orientation have also been changeable.  Leaving out retcons.

I never watched it growing up, but I heard it about it from being in other fandoms. Star Trek, MST3k, anime, comics, etc.  Maybe he was extremely sheltered?

That just sounds so unlikely, but ok sure.

It’s like they’re just presenting information or something.

It’s about time for some of these for sure.

Cool, although Streets of Rage never really left and just had a pretty good game.

*shrug* I’d expect this if I was stupid enough to buy a Cybertruck. Should be a bit harder to damage than your average vehicle I suppose.

Sartre had the internet figured out back in 1946.

For some reason it reminds me of this.

Homeboy’s head is so far up his ass he ain’t hearing right.  Didn’t expect anything to penetrate anyway, but at least I had fun.

*I don’t think it is all that weird for this guy.

Okay, let’s try walking through this: how specifically did minstrel shows entertain white people?

You moron. The point of those shows was to entertain white people. You are so fucking stupid. The racism wasn’t the point, it was incidental. You’ve never heard of the “I have a black friend” trope?  It’s the same shit, ffs.