
Tennant has always been my Doctor, and these specials have been amazing.  The no-things are a good addition to the gallery too.

I could see that. I had a boss that took a thermistor out of a coffee maker and nearly burned the building down.  I guess he wanted his coffee scalding hot.

Or don’t use an EV in places that get below freezing, if you don’t have a warming option.

It was plenty.

People aren’t clamoring for Teslas.

What are you talking about, line always go up, growth is infinite.

Looks like we got a TrueBootlicker.

I’ve done manual labor too, and desk work is still work and people should absolutely get everything they are due.  Don’t let capital poison your head.



You don’t spend time online much huh.

Uh, did you think them revealing that the show has an ending is some kind of spoiler? Because most things have an ending.  It sure as shit doesn’t reveal anything else, except for what it doesn’t reveal.

Sure and the line is only going up up up like a Space-X rocket bra.

I buy the files or physical where it’s still possible. Still might not always be the best cut for the artist, but at least they’ll have a harder time taking it away from me unceremoniously.


Does Spotify care if we know they’re assholes?  How many of you are still using Spotify after this?  They’re not worried.

“You’ve said the actual truth” in response to a user touting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

Another galaxy brain move no doubt. Like with Space-X, we’re learning so much from this explosion, right? Such good data.

Hah, that wouldn’t inspire confidence in me.

If you have GPS, wouldn’t you also have a working map on that GPS that would give you some clue that you’re doing something highly stupid?  Like going on a road to nowhere?