That’s a stupid reason.
That’s a stupid reason.
Toys r Us is dead because KKR and Bain loaded it with $5.2B in debt.
I’m sure they did think of the opportunity cost, as defined by the hurdle rate the returns on the Theranos deal had to clear in order to be justified. $140 million in comparison to the marginal revenue they probably projected from the deal is, even if at that point they were mostly sure it was fraudulent, pretty…
I got Windows ME to run glitch free for nearly two-weeks.
He sounds like an average slob, but he’s not. He did his graduate work at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and got his MBA from Harvard. He was an officer in the Navy, and eventually worked at the Pentagon. Ultimately, he worked as an investment banker for Goldman Sachs.
I would watch “Jeep Rehab”.
Lifehack: Make sure your dad isn’t around when you get steamrolled by salvia.
The good news is, it’s mostly in your head: no one’s ever died of a cannabis overdose, and medically, you can’t.
What do you want from me? I’m lazy. I don’t even finish most of my
You should re-examine your attitudes. There’s nothing wrong with my reading comprehension. There is something VERY wrong with your victim blaming.
yes, you can when you have compassion for others’ suffering.
I’m inclined to believe her too, and I’m also pretty convinced that France has pulled some sort of massive (and successful) marketing campaign on Americans. France is a pretty ordinary country. It has its rednecks and its backwoods weirdos just like the US. Its biggest city is notably sophisticated...just like the US.…
I’m putting this picture on my dashboard in case someone tries to steal my car.
You get ALL the credit for practicing incredible restraint in your reply to eolith. Mad respect.
I don’t know, I saw a BMW with working turn signals the other day.
This is how my uncle explained cheating to me:
I dont understand why a weekend would be weird? I get the games media would be upset having to work on a Saturday but wont this give a chance to give people who work a 9-5 job to watch?
The “Dirty Money” docu-series on Netflix did a great job explaining how the cheat device worked and how high up at VW the cheating scheme went. Essentially the cheat device activated when the front wheels were straight (as on a dyno). It wasn’t until they tested tailpipe emissions while driving that it became clear VW…