Scams you need not avoid, ranked:
Scams you need not avoid, ranked:
I used to write for an auto business mag and every year they’d send me to this BHPH conference where a bunch of dealers would pay to come learn from a really “successful” group of BHPH dealers on the best way to get started and maximize profits. I was there because they were affiliated directly with one of our…
The burger scam one is exactly why restaurants end up with a policy of “You ate more than a little bit, we don’t believe you when you claim it was terrible.” The couple of times we’ve had to send food back it was clear within a bite or two that there was something wrong.
Last month, you told us about your most overrated sex acts (sex in the great outdoors was frequently mentioned).…
The trailer for Good Kill, a movie featuring Ethan Hawke and January Jones that dives into the peculiar existence of…
Thanks for this report. Sounds pretty much like we'd expect a luxo truck to behave. Ford just needs to rebrand ecoboost. It's not necessarily about Eco, it's about the flatter-than-f'n-Nebraska torque curve. NebraskoBoost?
"Why would someone pick up a phone and dial all those numbers when you could just hop on your horse and trot over to their house to tell them what you want to tell them?" —You, 100 years ago.
I'll look up "warrantied" if you look up "deverbal adjective" and "adjectival participle."
Why is a life filled with drugs and vagina wasted?
As my dogs have noted, the only thing more wonderfully scrumptious that cat poop (a.k.a., "tootsie rolls"), is thrown up cat poop.
Hm. [Takes poop out of microwave and puts it in the oven.]
Do NOT put their poop in the microwave!
Please change your tone, I am trying hard to understand your point-of-view as I hope you are mine. I understand that you strongly believe you are correct, but I do as well.