
Blowing up the Death Star only required Luke to rely on the Force for a singular moment of focus. We even see Obi-Wan teaching him how to do this earlier in the film, when he blocks the training droid's laser blasts despite being unable to see through the visor of his helmet. Turning off his tracking computer during

For the moment, I'm afraid Phase 4 appears to be an adaptation of Dark Reign.

I thought this was fairly solid (the scene where the Ghost descends down the mineshaft while the crew fights on top of it delighted my action-figure-wielding inner child), but I agree that Saw needed to take things to another level to push this towards greatness.

'keep better track of what culture I consume over the course of the year'

Yeah, if the remainder of the trilogy is spent trying to redeem him, it's going to be pretty hard to give a shit.

I feel like a prize asshole
No one even mentions my casserole

No, you're confused. Thor isn't a woman. A woman is Thor. It's pretty straightforward, really.

Reminds me of when Dr Octopus switched brains with Peter Parker. Upon finding out Parker had started but never completed his PhD, he immediately went back to university, just so he would still be qualified to call himself Doctor.

Prior to seeing the film, my thoughts on the Cloak of Levitation were basically, 'I hope they make it just like Aladdin's magic carpet'. So yes, and it was perfect.

Are you talking about people who were already big stars, or people who became stars thanks to those franchises. Because if it's the latter, I think it's fair to say that Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt and RDJ all owe a great deal to Marvel.

The guy I replied to said 'straight horrible', which suggests no redeeming features. And that seems like a fairly accurate description of recent VGMs. I would much rather we started getting competent (but not revolutionary) VGMs than unwatchable ones. It's not like the subgenre couldn't then improve from there.

Uh, yes? How is decent (but not worth a second viewing) not better than outright horrible?

Saw this while browsing Netflix and figured I'd give it a go. Really glad I did. Shares a lot of DNA with HTTYD, so if you're a fan of that I suggest giving this a shot. Between this, that and Voltron, Netflix/Dreamworks is putting out quite a few quality animated shows.

*Mick roars in the background*

'George! George! It's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Lucas. You know those droids you were looking for? Well listen to this!'

'This is a cliff, isn't it? I rappel!'

I think the OT is 4 years. And while the Rebel Alliance may not have lead an all-out, coordinated assault until the events of Rogue One, they'd still been fighting as independent factions for years. I suspect Saw Gerrera, for one, had been fighting against one galactic power or another ever since the Clone Wars.

Damn it, I saw the Ghost twice, but missed the (more exciting) General Syndulla bit. Optional objective failed!

To be fair, Rebels started 4-5 years before the events of this film, and the current season is presumably still a couple of years out. The Alliance had to start somewhere.

The voice didn't bother me, but the dialogue did seem a little too… sassy for Vader.