
You are wrong about Grease 2 and Dogs Playing Poker is a classic painting.

I, too, was a picky eater as a child, pleading for pizzas without cheese (what was I thinking?) and spaghetti with butter. While this was initially an embarrassment to my family, they realized that Barone's "family special" (large pizza, salad, and big tub of spaghetti) was SO much more delicious with the sauce on the

You almost have to?

Well they kept the hippie van around in the Cars sequel after Carlin died.

I agree with everything you said - just change it to "Arya."

Anyone else start singing the intro to Pink Floyd's "Money" during the super fast montage of Sam emptying the bedpans and barfing?

Sew what?

That's immaterial.

That's like saying you'd never watch TV because the vast majority of it sucks so bad. That is very true, but then there's the Wire. Same with IPAs.

Thanks for re-editing your poorly written thesis so that my very gentle jab at your misleading sentence structure no makes no sense whatsoever. You're a lot of fun.

It's just that NE IPAs are different than the San Diego style. Many California breweries are trying out unfiltered, cloudy versions of IPAs and calling them "Vermont-Style."

Hell, "Ommegang" is a funny way to spell "Ommegang."

That's a lot of words to defend a poorly drawn comic book!

Never heard of it. (it looks hideous.)

Fargo Season 1.

That's like hearing Lucas apologists say "Jar Jar is SUPPOSED to be an annoying character!"

I don't need wrestling with a wink. The harder they try to make costumed giants shoving their asses into each others faces look like a serious athletic competition, the better I like it.

They are, except for Shawn Michaels.


That just wasn't Fargo.