
That would be a choice between paying in the possible tens of thousands for the rights to display a defunct but still very much trademarked logo, or just faking it with a legally different enough knockoff.

It's totally absurd, there should be at least one!

I hate her now.

"He wasn't a suicide risk or the like." Um, what?

I really, really don't think that was the kid's voice. McKean recorded the voice and did some digital trickery to make it sound much younger.

That makes it even worse somehow.

he WISHES he was 1974 zack morris

Her glasses were cool.

I've always despised the Sloop John B cover. If anyone puts it on I have fits and throw away all their grits.

It's not totally off-base. Even Scorsese has a much better track record with female lead roles dating back to the 70's.

If the twin leads in "Cowboy Song" don't bring a tear to your eye, you are one cold hearted beast.

Neil Young is so underrated (as a guitar soloist)

Yes! And that one is different because it kicks your ass right after that "call and response" breakdown with the main riff. For some reason, on every other version, Angus decides to do this lame descending scale that sucks the energy out of the solo.

Wang Dang Sweet Poontang (I know) from Double Live Gonzo (I KNOW) is probably the best guitar solo of all time.

If your favorite guitar solo is in a Weezer song, you don't like guitar solos.

Good answer.

To murder them, right?

I'd like to have seen the 1960 Krupa/Buddy Rich DRUM BATTLE at Carnegie Hall.

How'd he die?

That's probably true, but Valkenvania (aka Nothing But Trouble) is just so insanely excessive and frightening that it turned the corner and became A True Thing To Behold. It just keeps coming at you with brand new horrors. You can call that movie a lot of things, but "boring" is not one of them.