
You sure throw around words like "I'm sure ….easily resolved…they do that…all liability..is gone" like you have an assured understanding of the legalities and regulations of parking lots and drive thrus.

It's not that I really care that much about the well-being of morons who risk their lives to stand in a drive thru line on NYE without even getting any burgers since it's not allowed for very obvious reasons. You do you, Bizarro Sacrelicious. I'm just saying that it's a dumb thing to do and you're dumb for doing it.

Of course McDonald's WOULD be held accountable IF they served/encouraged pedestrians to stand in the direct path of cars and trucks. That's the exact reason why they don't. Why else would McDonald's refuse to serve the car-less at drive-thrus? Why else would they bother with the expense of a walk up window? Do you

But you are such a hardcore contrarian against basic safety regulations.

Something tells me you're an Ayn Rand fan.

Ok, you've convinced me. I heartily encourage you to stand in as many drive thru lines as you can at 2 in the morning. Good luck!

You could easily kill/maim a person with a car at much, much slower speeds than 35 mph, especially a drunk or inattentive person. Plus, it's called a "drive" thru! No walkers allowed. Sheesh, you guys, I can't believe you are making me side with "the man" on this one.

it protects fast food places in case someone standing in line at a "drive" thru gets run over, obvs


Carolyne Heldman was underrated.

Needs one more dun.

There's better but you gotta mention Ol' Legba at the Crossroads. (AKA "Scratch")

Fuck RUN DMC for creating a world where Janie's Got A Gun was allowed to happen.

why it gotta be WHITE noise?

How can she read such a blurry newspaper?

No way - but Davos is.

PNG isn't pronounced "ping?"

Black Oak Arkansas are more rockin' than that.

Whats wrong with Lionel Richie? He's awesome!

We wouldn't even need Pot Verisimilitude Cops if weren't for the High Tom scenes in Eyes Wide Shut.