
Wayne's World! Wayne's World!

Google homogenous.

The other two were Nikki Glaser and Marina Franklin. I thought Franklin was hilarious and original. The other three were totally homogenous in terms of look and stand-up persona (perfected by Sarah Silverman, imitated poorly by many others.) Not a great standup special.

Is it possible to watch this on Apple TV?

The last episode sucked.

I love a lot of heavy rock from the 80s, but I realized if I never heard any GnR song ever again I would be pretty okay with that situation.

Yeah - that's WAY too high.

Must be nice to have more than one vaDanza.

Have they announced a third season?

I saw the first Austin Powers in a packed theater on its opening weekend and no one laughed.

Which is weird because Brendan's clearly false confession is what made most people think Avery's "probably guilty" in the first place.


Yeah, it's no Archer.

The final solution?

Mandatory Fun should be on here.

Yeah, but they played a trailer for The Leisure Class after the episode and (spoiler) it was full of night shots. So Jason will remain an Irresistible Force apparently.

Yes, her performances remind me of early John Waters films. I welcome that.

All of the character's dialogue was grandiose because the show is trying really hard to be grandiose.

Sure the other characters found him annoying - as did anyone else watching who wasn't already in the bag for Lucas. Also, anyone taking issue with the slapstick already takes Star Wars too seriously anyway.

Are you defending Ballers? Just checking.