Mister McGibblets

All of the stuff you say he is is more typical of entitled white men than millennials. Plus, he’s not a millennial. 

Duncan Hunter is 43, don’t drag millennials into this.

Oh yeah. Once I realized the stakes of what it is that you have to do at the very end of the game, I did several dry runs just to demonstrate to myself that it was possible and that I could do it without... uh... mishaps.

A truly amazing experience with (thus far) a poignant story. I'm on the last thing you have to do, and it's such an intense bit of timing and planning and nerves that I've been working on it for two days before actually trying it. What a wild game. 

Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die

To be fair, she was only three weeks old.

Fuck off

I’m guessing it will start out with something like, “You just aren’t getting it, here, let me explain it to you. . .”

I had a master plan for today, but it did not go quite as planned. That’s OK. That’s what blogging is about. You

Transactions, Nov. 1

This the final Deadspin transaction before relegation. As the last editor left with access to our work systems, I’m

How To Play Games Sober

Games lend themselves surprisingly well to drinking, even though your hands are full most of the time. Drink while