
Wonder how the combat would have worked. Arkham-style combat is specifically designed for a single player. Throw three other players in there and it falls apart pretty quickly. That’s why the Arkham combat system wasn’t used in Gotham Knights.

Yeah, I work from home full time and wouldn’t mind having a day or two in-person, because I feel that does work the best if only to break up the monotony of barely leaving the house every day. That being said, I would hate switching back to full time in-office.

And plenty more are not as productive at home.

a lot aren’t. also communicating via zoom, slack etc isn’t the same as in-person. hybrid is the future.

I 100% understand wanting employees back at work so that they are on task and working regularly and continuously. Productivity does matter.

JC, there’s no escape of reading dumb shit everyday in this world. Fuck internet.

Fun fact: Freedom of Speech only applies to the government censoring viewpoints. Private companies, like Disney, are allowed to set limits on their employees’ speech. Further, Disney didn’t fire this fetid cunt, they chose not to renew her contract between seasons.

Yeah. I’d fire you. Don’t need stupid people working for me.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

Burning the American Flag as a means of protest is protected speech. Yet, not when it comes to questioning COVID, transgenderism or climate change I suppose.

lol.  there it is.

Knuckles will always be the superior edgy Sonic rival.

Did... did this “article” time travel from 2002?

Miles’ product placement shoes are a part of his character. So much so, that some people were disappointed by the lack of product placement shoes in the first game, even Kotaku wrote about it

If he hadn’t been born rich, he’d just be that creepy guy on the IT helpdesk in the office everyone avoids interacting with as much as possible.

I don’t care what’s on his resumé, or how long his list of “achievement” is. Elon Musk is easily the dumbest human being to ever become a billionaire.

$0! Suckers!

Two weeks?  I’m confident in the first 24 hours, and the 24 after that are a coin toss, beyond that is voodoo.

You are absolutely correct. JJ Abrams aped the original movie, because nostalgia and aping is all he’s good for. We saw it with Star Trek 2, where he copied... (wait for it)... Star Trek II. He’s crap, and now it’s up to Filoni et al to turn yet another sow’s ear of a trilogy into another silk purse.