Said the stupid right wing conspiracy theorist...
Said the stupid right wing conspiracy theorist...
Two things made me absolutely hate the film. Both involve the portrayal of Jonathan Kent.
Christie hasn’t been governor since 2018.
Goddamn, just provide a list, no one has time for a video
I like to cook and eat out a few times a week at most. It’s part of my food budget of $500 that I don’t think I ever exceeded. It has a built in buffer
I’m actually in a HCOL, but found a rent stabilized apt.
Maybe just go back to prison if it’s such a problem
Yep, I’m not even frugal, I just like to live simple and not in excess. My monthly expenses for the past 10 years have almost never exceeded $2500, which includes eating out multiple times per week. The few times I went over were for vacations abroad.
So Dems should instead just shut up, play nice and not point out facts?
As an outside observer all I can do is laugh at everyone who is losing money to the absolute sham that is cryptocurrencies
Exactly. It’s easy to not deplete the ecosystem when your tribe is just a few hundred people.
This a terrible idea, and none of the reasons you listed can be used to rationalize it.
Fuck republicans and their dipshit voters.
Pretty sure that was a joke
Exactly this.
I wonder what the offer was? Nintendo’s IP must be ridiculously expensive.
And confirm that the kid they are bringing is actually theirs.
Wasn’t there some interview with Clooney where he basically said he flat out did not give a fuck about doing the movie and even played Batman like he was gay.
This is the stuff of nightmares.
Hostile much?