
So here’s a sincere question: How do people who have just lost the Super Bowl usually behave? Because, if my memory serves, they usually act glum, answer questions curtly, and (often) cut the interview off after a few questions. But maybe my memory is faulty?

I think he was just trying to follow the bouncing ball and pick it up from a standing position — but he overshot it, and lost his balance trying to switch directions again, causing him to fall away from the ball.

Um... no. I am not one of those people, sorry.

Hey, there Shitstain — you don’t mind if I call you Shitstain too, do you?

I didn’t see any report that these kids were drunk, did you? Apparently, they’d done this before. It was some kind of tradition? So they had a reasonable expectation that the track would be clear, since it apparently was the last few times they did this.

I never said I didn’t do dumb shit. I just didn’t do really dumb shit like this. But I probably was a downer.

this happened in Canada, where to my knowledge nobody expects that a facility running a bobsled track has liability for kids breaking in.

OK, so you probably wouldn’t be in danger if you fell on the track without a sled - point taken.

Yeah, I’ll admit, having learned that they actually (apparently) did this before and made it down without dying, I can see why maybe it didn’t seem quite so crazy after all.

I missed out on dying!

Here’s a picture of the gate:

Stepping foot on the track does not result in you hurtling down it.

I’m the Hypothetically Smartest Teenager!*

Here’s a picture of the “gate” they crashed into, in case anyone (like me) was wondering about it:

Sorry to be the contrarian here, but i would never have done something this stupid when I was a teenager. And I wasn’t even a particularly sharp teenager. What I’m saying is: This was actually phenomenally stupid, even for teenagers.

Until the whole “I care about kids bit” he’s started trotting out this year, there’s never been a single ounce of humility or care for anyone but himself.

So basically, what you’re saying is that it is the black thing. A variant on the black thing, that is — namely, black QBs need to behave a certain way. With “humility.” (What folks in the old days called “not being uppity.”)

Football is the only one of the four major sports where one team’s defending end is not predetermined (think benches in hockey and basketball).

“... and according to Scotty’s doctor, this one won’t be headed for extra innings.”