William Sean McFly

As somebody who comes from what is often called “The Juarez of the US”, Detroit, I see a lot of familiarity between your sentiments and mine. Comerica Park during the late-00's run was an amazing place to be in during what was otherwise a very bleak time for the city.  

The JoyCons are hands down the worst controllers I’ve ever owned. I’ve gone through 4 sets of them. They are unbelievably brittle, the control sticks drift, the buttons (usually the shoulder and the stick buttons) jam and are nearly impossible to fix. When docked, they lose connection and have dead spots for some

This is true, although it would lower litigation costs for your insurer if there is obvious evidence.

I’m actually surprised Insurance companies don’t give a rate break if you have one. Or...require them.

If you don’t mind, I’m going to hold out for my 3DO and Jaguar Minis, thank you.


In totally unrelated news, Disney stock (NYSE:DIS) is up .71 from market open.

Playing VR with a friend can get...uncomfortably awkward....

I’ve flat out told my wife that if she were to ever cheat on me, to never ever tell me. Because I love her and I want to stay married to her, and cheating is a deal-breaker, it would end our marriage. Therefore, I don’t want to know. Ever. Unless, of course she wants a divorce, I guess.

Williamson had a brief stint as a minister at my parents’ church - Renaissance Unity (or Church of Today, if you prefer) in Warren, Mich. It was a weird time.

So I should be ok with Nintendo letting some people get away with violating their IP...but not others. Based on what judgment, exactly?

Whether it is or isn’t, directly or indirectly, is irrelevant. The point of IP law is that NOBODY BUT YOU has the right to make money off of something you own.

No, I just used Youtube as an example. If you have enough views of your videos on Youtube, you can get paid. But even if the site that’s hosting whatever it is you’re doing is supported through advertising, somebody is getting paid without Nintendo’s authorization.

If it’s on a money-generating site like YouTube, somebody is making money off of it and it ain’t Nintendo.

Unfortunately, video games are still a huge gray-area when it comes to copyright and trademark enforcement. It’s only the last few years that it was even possible to get fan-made materials out to the masses.

It is arguable that a fan-made video game could be allowable as a derivative work.

These are Nintendo trademarks, which is different from copyright.

Objection, your honor.

Yeah right. I’ll bet you’ll tell me there’s no such thing as a Honolulu-blue lion.