William Sean McFly

Honorable mention - Not Final Fantasy category:

The best part of 8 is the soundtrack. It kicks. 

Who knew sticking 5 million people in a small valley in the desert was a bad idea?

This should absolutely end once and for all any hope of GameCube games ever appearing on Switch Online.

I have a ‘13 Prius (/ducks) with 150K+. The powertrain is still great. MPG still exceeds 40. But everything else is beginning to fall apart. The bumpers are held together with duct tape. The heat shields are rattling. The suspension is showing signs of failing. The steering system is in the beginning to show signs of

As a teenager of the ‘90s, I’m turned off by any ‘Vette without round tail lights and pop-up headlights.

That is technically correct, which we all know is the best kind of correct!

I honestly haven’t played it through since I borrowed it from a friend at its original release, even though I’ve bought it again since.

That’s a fair opinion. I thought Actraiser was well done but I have honestly no interest in the 7 remake. Turn-based combat or gtfo.

At this stage of my life, all I need out of S-E is to remaster and re-release the rest of the Quintet catalog, Paladin’s Quest, and Secret of Evermore.

Like a lot of teenagers, I didn’t really know what I wanted out of life, and I was considering military service. I was seriously considering the Navy or the Airforce. And then I saw Saving Private Ryan.


Maybe in his original timeline there were zero cases by April. Maybe all this is his fault for screwing up the timeline!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Elon Musk is a time traveler. A regular guy from the future, who knows about technologies that exist in the future, but isn’t smart enough or skilled enough to be able to do it himself, so he “invests” and “suggests” things to happen.

Squadrons proved that you can do space sims properly on a console. This should absolutely mean a re-release or remake of the X-Wing trilogy.

Hey me too!

I think something needs to be clarified here. In the U.S. tax system, you don’t pay a flat percentage of your income. You pay a progressively higher percentage on a chunk of your income. So if you make $1M, that would put you in the 37% tax bracket, but you don’t actually pay 37% of 1M. So it’s entirely possible that

They used to be the same city!

Sault Ste. Marie is frequently listed as the American city that will be least-effected by climate change. Although winter in the U.P. lasts for 7 months.