William Sean McFly

Dude keeps forgetting he changed his difficulty level from “arcade” to “simulation.”


Dude, you can totally paint your own version of Starry Night or record a cover of Stairway and call it your own. 

Garfield Christmas Special > All other Christmas Specials

Mac: Come on, dude! I could totally be Iron Man!

We can Freestyle it!

What’s a Vita?

Have you ever been to Cincinnati?

Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois deserve positions on the “Partially in the South” section.

Now, “Megan and the Jezebels”? Those gals are going places.

Guys, guys, guys. Your favorite teams and athletes are never going to love you back. Just let it go.

Is it though? What do the words “I’m Sorry” actually do?

Apologies are hallow and meaningless.

Now playing

Marc Papeghin’s FFVIII melody is also available on Spotify, fwiw.

SM3DW is my favorite of the series, Odyssey included. To FULLY retire the U, the Switch also needs Pikmin 3 (but it would require an overhaul that doesn’t use the gamepad).

In all honesty, I served five years at Enterprise. I still have PTSD and wake up from nightmares about it being the Friday before a holiday and we’re all out of minivans.

(This is a repeat of comments I’ve made earlier, so anybody scrolling - I apologize)

It’s not about this guy thinking he lives in the worst possible timeline. It’s that this guy secretly, and probably unconsciously hopes he lives in the worst possible timeline. Because then it would be all over soon, and his pain would be gone.

You don’t see the problem. It’s not about the election.

It was designed to give the smaller states more of a voice, but that was because our genius forefathers didn’t foresee the development of political parties.