@bender123: THAT is how it should be done!
@bender123: THAT is how it should be done!
VOTE: Meebo
VOTE: WriteMonkey
Does anybody know a good [free] way to get the DRM off of older iTunes music?
I really like the idea, and Apple will undoubtedly make sure it's very polished and user-friendly, but I just hope they don't lock it down like they did with the iPhone. I don't expect to be able to add sources like in the Ubuntu store (I didn't say my fingers aren't crossed, though) but if Apple pulls the plug on…
@kaffeen: I would use it as a Dropbox substitute. No monthly fee and much more storage.
@misterfuzz: Thanks, everyone!
Can anybody explain why certain people's comments (such as my own) don't appear by default and appear only in grey when I click "Show all Discussions?"
@CanceRuss: I have a few friends who have lived behind the great firewall of China, and they used this free vpn-tunneling tool to get on facebook, google, etc. It's ad-supported and requires installing an application, which might not be ideal for corporate settings, but at least it's something.
I call BS. Bild ≡ National Enquirer.
This post sponsored by Droid 2. lol.
Does anybody know when the 2010 Beta expires?
opera link ftw
opera link ftw
Sounds great for domestic flights, but as an American living in Germany, I have had my fair share of customs trouble with shipped packages. Plus, most trans-continental flights allow for extra checked baggage at no extra cost.
@timgray: In Linux as well.
Vote: Handbrake
@jetRink: This may be true, but it is likely that Microsoft is using sales in which 7 is bundled with a new computer to boost their figures, so therefore each sale of a Mac would count as a copy of OSX in thier eyes. As for Linux, whether we like it or not, the number of users is negligable anyway. Yeah, MS is…