Mister Fox

I’ve avoided the issue by being too poor to buy games. Tuition payments out the ass.

It’s not very difficult, since the steps for setting up CEMU for this specific game are set in stone by now. The longest part is likely waiting for the emulator/game to download.

If only I had cash in the first place

If only I could afford to buy $150 worth of items in the first place

If only I could afford to buy $150 worth of items in the first place

Who in the world would pay $85 for a clock?

Who in the world would pay $85 for a clock?

So, do you still like UDB?


It’s $30 for the Amazon Prime Day sale, likely the best price for a while considering all of the DLC isn’t out yet.

It’s fun for what it is. This game fills in the “open world tactical squad-based stealth-action” slot that was previously held by more advanced milsims like ARMA. I’d get it on sale and don’t bother with the DLC.

I’m 20, and I don’t plan on living my life expecting to get SocSec. When I get into a steady job I’ll be looking into private options like an IRA.

Even if the Switch tablet was somehow powerful enough to handle VR games, the 720p resolution and the sub-90fps mean it’ll be all but impossible to have a good experience.

The Moto G5 might have a CDMA-compatible version

The Moto G5 might have a CDMA-compatible version

I wouldn’t buy a phone for that price either, but once you’ve had a $200-$300 phone as your daily driver for a while, it’s tough going back to the relative sluggishness of a $100 device.

I wouldn’t buy a phone for that price either, but once you’ve had a $200-$300 phone as your daily driver for a

They’re popular among the “unlocked” group of smartphones. You can use these with any GSM carrier.

They’re popular among the “unlocked” group of smartphones. You can use these with any GSM carrier.

You’d quickly run out of money for paper in my binder.

Same here. The new layout is really messing with my focus.

I hope to one day have enough money that a $419 laptop could be considered a “budget” option.

I hope to one day have enough money that a $419 laptop could be considered a “budget” option.

Looks amazing! I love the new rush of 3d first-person puzzle games we’ve been getting lately.